Option Chains Columns and Settings

Option chains in StreetSmart Edge®, found in the Trade tool or Symbol Hub, are customizable, allowing you to choose which columns of data to display, as well as the order of the columns. Access the Option Chain settings window by right-clicking in the Option Chain and selecting Columns and Settings....

Option Greek Pricing Models

Greeks indicate how fast an option price is changing relative to parameters such as time, underlying stock price, volatility, etc.

Order/Position Indicators

Choose whether to display an indicator showing you have either a Position or a Live Order for a contract in the option chain you are viewing. For more information on using the Order/Position Indicators, see the Option Chains topic.

Customizing Columns

There are several ways to rearrange the columns displayed in Option Chains:

TIP: If the column you choose is not currently displayed in the Option Chain columns, it will completely displace the column that was there. If it is already in the display, the two columns will swap places.

Applying Settings to One or All Tabs

You can choose to apply the settings changes you make to either just the current option chain display or to all current and future option chains. The default is to apply the settings only to the current tab, but if you prefer the settings to apply to all, select Apply to all Option Chain tabs at the bottom of the Columns and Settings window before clicking OK.


Options carry a high level of risk and are not suitable for all investors. Certain requirements must be met to trade options through Schwab. Multiple leg options strategies will involve multiple commissions. Please read the options disclosure document titled "Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options." Supporting documentation for any claims or statistical information is available upon request.